Sheffield Resources Limited Annual Report 2023

Previously reported information This report includes information that relates to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves prepared and first disclosed under the JORC Code 2012 and a Bankable Feasibility Study. The information was extracted from the Company’s previous ASX announcements as follows: – Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Statement: “MINERAL RESOURCE AND ORE RESERVE STATEMENT” 24 September 2019 – Thunderbird Ore Reserve Update: “THUNDERBIRD ORE RESERVE UPDATE” 24 March 2022 – Thunderbird BFS Update: “THUNDERBIRD BFS, FINANCING AND PROJECT UPDATE”, 24 March 2022 – Night Train Inferred Resource and Mineral Assemblage results “HIGH GRADE MAIDEN MINERAL RESOURCE AT NIGHT TRAIN” 31 January 2019 – Thunderbird Mineral Resource: “SHEFFIELD DOUBLES MEASURED MINERAL RESOURCE AT THUNDERBIRD” 5 July 2016 – Thunderbird drilling: “EXCEPTIONALLY HIGH GRADES FROM INFILL DRILLING AT THUNDERBIRD MINERAL SANDS PROJECT” 9 February 2015 These announcements are available to view on Sheffield’s website at The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the relevant market announcements and, in the case of estimates of Mineral Resources, Ore Reserves and the Bankable Feasibility Study Update, that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates in the relevant market announcement continue to apply and have not materially changed. The Company confirms that the form and context in which the Competent Persons’ findings are presented have not been materially modified from the relevant original market announcements. Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources prepared and first disclosed under the JORC Code (2012): Item Report title Report Date Competent Person(s) Mineral Resource Reporting Thunderbird Ore Reserve Update 24 March 2022 P. Scrimshaw Mineral Resource Estimation Sheffield Doubles Measured Mineral Resource at Thunderbird 5 July 2016 M. Teakle, C. Standing Ore Reserve High Grade Maiden Mineral Resource at Night Train 31 January 2019 C. Standing Item Name Company Professional Affiliation Mineral Resource Reporting Mr Mark Teakle Thunderbird Operations MAIG, MAusIMM Mineral Resource Estimation Mrs Christine Standing Optiro MAIG, MAusIMM Ore Reserve Mr Per Scrimshaw Entech MAusIMM Forward looking, cautionary statements and risk factors The contents of this report reflect various technical and economic conditions at the time of writing. Given the nature of the resources industry, these conditions can change significantly over relatively short periods of time. Consequently, actual results may vary from those contained in this report. Some statements in this report regarding estimates or future events are forward-looking statements. They include indications of, and guidance on, future earnings, cash flow, costs and financial performance. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements preceded by words such as “planned”, “expected”, “projected”, “estimated”, “may”, “scheduled”, “intends”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “potential”, “predict”, “foresee”, “proposed”, “aim”, “target”, “opportunity”, “could”, “nominal”, “conceptual” and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements, opinions and estimates included in this report are based on assumptions and contingencies which are subject to change without notice, as are statements about market and industry trends, which are based on interpretations of current market conditions. Forward-looking statements are provided as a general guide only and should not be relied on as a guarantee of future performance. Forward-looking statements may be affected by a range of variables that could cause actual results to differ from estimated results and may cause the Company’s actual performance and financial results in future periods to materially differ from any projections of future performance or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. So there can be no assurance that actual outcomes will not materially differ from these forward-looking statements. Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources continued 16 Sheffield Resources Limited Annual Report 2023